ID-Pal Ltd. Apps

ID-Pal 3.4.1
ID-Pal Ltd.
The simple, secure way to verify your identity with abusiness.Submit documents to ID-Pal from anywhere and get verifiedin undera minute. The ID-Pal App Businesses use the ID-Pal App tosecurelycapture your documents and information so they can verifyyouridentity and establish a trusted relationship.InternationalAnti-Money Laundering (AML) law requires certaincompanies to carryout these Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures forboth new andexisting clients to protect both you and the business.How it worksUsing advanced technology, verifying your identity isquick, easyand secure. In just a few clicks you can submitdocuments via ourapp. The ID-Pal app uses a unique blend of checksto correctlyverify your identity in real-time for a business. Whatwe do -Capture an Identity Document (ID) We verify every IDuploaded withup to 70 technical checks and against a vast libraryof documentsto ensure it hasn't been forged or tampered with – allthis happensin less than a minute. - Facial matching We match theimage fromthe document against the individual to confirm it is of agenuineperson. - Address Verification We can verify the name andaddressfrom the ID. To always ensure the safety and security of ourapp,we proudly hold: **ISO 27001 Certification** - theleadinginternational standard in Information Security. **iBetaLevel 1 andLevel 2 Certification** - ensuring our technologyfunctions to thehighest standards. Privacy Policy ID-Pal does nothave access toany information on your ID cards or to your personaldata. All datais securely processed in line with GDPR. When aservice provider orbusiness asks for your personal information orID, ID-Pal directlyconnects them with you and transfers your datato the serviceprovider via a secure channel. All customer datacollected via theID-Pal app is controlled by our Partner and theywill determinewhy, what and how your information is collected,used, shared,retained and under what lawful basis it is processed.Read aboutwhat information is collected and why,here: Interested inID-Palfor your business? Why not get in touch